He started to complain whenever he had to move. If you've ever heard a Husky complain you never forget it. It's kinda of a whine and a whimper that eventually grows into a WOOO AWOOO WOOO moaning howl.
VERY un-nerving.
This had me catering to his every need. Bring him his meds. Bring him is food. Bring him his treats. I drew the line at potty stops. He HAS to do those for himself. This quieted him down to the point that he slept all day. (Had to check to see if he was breathing every so often). When he did have to get up ( for those mandatory potty stops) he began to complain about getting up. I knew I'd pampered him too much.
Now we're at a new stage of treatment. He 's required to do more for himself and not over do it. All in all we're both learning. He still likes to go out. Not for long walks, just the yard. Moderation is the answer. I think he's doing pretty well considering the time after Major surgery.
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