Wouldn't ya know it, shortly after, Whiskey had to have some tests done and they took skin samples. So he had to have a collar to protect that area.
Let me tell you he looks happier here than he ever was wearin that thing.
Two days into it and I left him alone while I met friends for adult beverages. When I came home he was trappped in the half bath. Apparently, he went to lay down in there as he sometimes does. When he tried to leave the collar caught on the door and closed it in front of him.
He was NOT happy!! He was all wet, toilet water I suppose. and not the kind that smells good. He was a mess, the room was a mess and the collar was 'most destroyed. Yet the damned thing was still half hangin round his neck. I have never seen a look on a dog that said he was happy to see me, while at the same time sayin where the hell have you been!!
I freed him from the room and then the collar. He ran straight for his water bowl. Guess you can't even drink from the toilet with that thing on. Then he ran round the room rubbin his head on the floor. Musta felt better. It's been a few days now of extra treats and walks, but I still get that "pissed off" look from him every now and then.
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